Revised Schedule for Debating Chamber

Debating Chamber, 16th November 2021

Registration from 14.30
Start at 15.00
End at 17.45

Registration downstairs on arrival at KW
Registration to be organized by Franziska.

Guests need to sign a KW form that says:
1. they agree to be filmed and photographed
2. they say “yes/or no to a strand of hair being cut from their head to be made into a hairbrush by BLESS.”

Usher to bring older guests by lift to 4th floor

Arrival of Guests in the space on 4th floor
Ushers hand out 1 set of MM-U Proceedings pamphlets to each person.

Coffee, Tea and Water is set up at the bar.

ACT I, Calling to Order (10 mins)

  1. Augustin: Sonic intervention, call to order
  2. Krist: Acknowledgment of ground on which this Chamber is taking place, its provenance and its unspokens.
  3. Margareta: Introduces everyone by naming them in alphabetical order. Apologies for those who are unable to attend. Introduction of documenter team.
  4. Clémentine: Introductory outline of MM-U and DC. Conditions of intimacy and vulnerability of DC. Thanks to lenders: H. von A., Ivo Wessel, Ana P., Matt M.
  5. Matthias: Protocol of Debating Chamber – short outline of proceedings.

Sonic interval

ACT II: Exegesis

  1. MM-U Faculty: Grouping of the objects. Brought to the table by each of us.
    • Objects are passed through the hands of the Members. Tom names objects as they reach the table: “No. 34 Liver from a Lamb”
    • MM-U begins speaking of / for objects
    • Margareta controls time spoken based on Digital Clock, only if necessary.
    • Cutting of hair by Hiro
    • Sonic intervention
    • BREAK OF 15 MINS
    • Sonic intervention
    • Tom and Matthias stand at opposite times of the table
  2. Open debate with all.
  3. Call for first round of general propositions

Sonic intervention

BREAK OF 15 MINS (this break may be cut if we don’t need it)

Sonic intervention

Act III Conclusion

  1. Reciting of Akkadian prayer by Natanel Anor.
  2. Dido: Therapeutic analysis of symptoms prototype collection and speakers.
  3. Avenues of remediation. i.e. ‘What do we do with these objects?’ Can we leave the room with four edicts for the future. A set of principles.

A few additional pointers:

  • The problems at hand (can we think of some problems we wish to raise, as if we were speaking to the oracle? Our initial MM-U problems)
  • The questions posed by the MM-U and the Responders
  • The lexicon used by all.
  • The family – the therapist? Role play of members and responders?
  • The divinations and their enactment: oil in water, reading of sheep’s liver.
  • The exegesis and interpretations.
  • The edicts. The session results in a solid, manifesto-like thesis or principle.

Sonic intervention to signal end of Debating Chamber