Metabolic Chairs (2018–23)

As part of the course in Curatorial Theory and Dramaturgical Practice headed by Clémentine Deliss, the Metabolic Chairs were created by Diane Hillebrand together with Francesca-Romana Audretsch, Janina Capelle, Lizzy Elbrück, Teresa Häußler, Cécile Kobel and Christina Scheib at the University of Art and Design, Karlsruhe (HfG). Second-hand folding director’s chairs were purchased on E-Bay and then repurposed. The chairs were conceived to resemble a group of people in a park, each with a different textile ranging from jeans to lace. Each chair had a side bag to place books in, a pole with a spotlight for working in dark spaces, a tongue-shaped swivel table, and a small projector for ‘spamming the hang’ in exhibitions.

Metabolic Chairs Visual Samples and Tests

Metabolic Chairs

Sketches by Diane Hillebrand

Chair Models

Accessories, Cloth Samples

Testing the Chairs

HfG and Kunsthalle Karlsruhe

Metabolic Chairs for Skin in the Game

KW Institute for Contemporary Art, 2023